Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

Open-source software should not be confused with freeware, or software that is available to install free of charge. While most open-source software is free, there are many other criteria – namely that the source code must be available to the general public via an open-source license, and that anyone is allowed to modify it. Any modifications made must also be distributed under the same terms as the original software. Proponents of the open-source movement believe this collaborative development methodology results in quicker improvements and software that can be easily adapted to users’ needs. Financial savings are another main benefit of opensource software. Because numerous programmers are able to identify and fix problems, advocates believe open-source software is more reliable than proprietary software. The majority of commercial software protects its source code to prevent competitors from developing a competing product. By only making a compiled, ready-to-run version available, software manufacturers retain full control over their product, which they argue ensures higher levels of quality and security. End-users must purchase a license fee, and typically benefit from a warranty and technical support. Although
open-source software does not charge license fees to fund its development, it does not follow that it cannot be commercially viable. Developers can charge for installation, training and technical support. Alternatively, licenses for add-ons and additional software may be sold.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) Open-source software is of better quality than proprietary software
The Passage presents arguments both for and against this. The first paragraph highlights “quicker improvements” and says that open-source software is “more reliable” than propriety software. However, the second paragraph states controlling the source code ensures “higher levels of quality”

(Cannot say) Open-source software is developed collaboratively with propriety software
This idea was never discussed in the passage. The passage used collaboration in line 6 of the passage to explain the consistent modification of the open source software by different people.

(True) Anyone is allowed to modify open-source software
Very true – as seen in line 4 of the passage

(True) No charges for modifications
The passage states that “Any modifications made must also be distributed under the same terms as the original software”


Which two of these statements must be true?

(False) Open-source software is free
The second sentence states that “much” (not all) open-source software is available free

(False)Open-source software is not released under a license
The same sentence states that open-source is available to the public via “an open source license”. Any modifications must also be distributed under the same terms as the original software

(True) Open-source software provides financial savings
Very true – as seen in line 9 of the passage

(True) Open-source software is not the same as freeware
The passage states in line 1 that Open-source software should not be confused with freeware

The Association of Choreographic Publishers Partnership (ACPP) is an association of Publishers, both electronic and traditional(paper), whose goal is to increase the case of finding useful and timely information on choreography for the average lay person as well as the professional. It also ensures a high standard of quality for all participating members’ publications. ACPP members must abide by the following Code of Practice: Update their resource lists regularly; Strive to be objective in all the information they present, and not exclude resource based solely on any singular grounds(e.g personal dislike of the topic or treatment method, monetary interest in certain resources, etc); Be responsive to their readers’ suggestions and feedback about their publications;  Distribute to their mailing list all resources gathered through feedback; Strive to maintain the highest standard of the respective profession in presentation and Representation of resources available on a given topic; Never charge a fee for viewing list; Never downplay the importance or usefulness of a lay person’s input on any given topic; Avoid public comparisons or publicising negative aspects of another member’s publication Refrain from making false advertising claims about their own publication or other members’ publications


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) ACPP members should not exclude information on topics of which they do not approve
Very true because the passage forbids members to Never downplay the importance or usefulness of a lay person’s input on any given topic

(False) ACPP members have no duty to present information on methods they do not like
Line 8 – 10 shows that members should be very professional in their dealings

(Cannot say) Applicants for ACPP membership must follow the code of practice prior to being accepted
What the passage tells us is that ACPP members must abide by the following code of Practice, it did not tell us if it will be prior to being accepted or otherwise

(True) ACPP members must follow the Code of Practice
Very true – as seen in line 6


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) One aim of the ACPP is to make it easy to find information on choreography
Line 2 to 3 of the passage confirms this

(True) One aim of ACPP is to uphold standards of publication
Very true – as seen in line 13 of the passage

(False) The ACPP is for lay people to use; professionals have other resources
Line 3 and 4 of the passage confirms it is for both lay people and professionals

(False) The ACPP is for professionals rather than lay people
The passage states that it is for both professionals and lay people


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) ACPP members may charge professional users for viewing their resource list
Nothing is said in passage about this

(False) ACPP members may ignore readers’ criticism
The passage states otherwise. It states “Be responsive to their readers’ suggestions and feedback about their publications”

(True) ACPP members must be open to readers’ suggestions
Very true –as seen in line 11

(True) It should not cost anything for lay people to view an ACPP member’s resource list.
The passage states that “Members should never charge a fee for viewing list