Featured Jobs in Nigeria
Job Vacancies at Seven-Up Bottling Company Limited
Seven Up Bottling Company Abia and 2 other locations
Refonte Learning DevOps Engineering Training and Internship Programme
Refonte Infini Abuja and 3 other locations
Job Openings at Peopleplusng
Peopleplusng Abuja and 2 other locations
Choose Jobs by Sector or Location
Accounting / Audit / Finance 20152
Administration/ Office/ Operations 19900
Banking / Insurance 3663
Building Design / Architecture 1014
Consulting / Business Strategy/ Planning 1641
Creatives (Arts, Design, Fashion) 2087
Customer Service 8070
Education / Teaching / Training 4292
Engineering / Technical 10971
Medical/ Healthcare / Pharmaceutical 6487
Hospitality / Food Services 2369
Human Resources / Recruitment 7388
Information Technology / ICT 9379
Legal / Law 1650
Logistics / Transportation/ Supply 4290
Manufacturing / Production 1715
Advertising/ Social Media/ Marketing/ PR 15107
Oil & Gas / Energy 1478
Project Management 4151
Real Estate / Property / Surveying 1581
Sales / Business Development 21504
Vocational Trade and Services 334
Government Agencies / Public Sector 423
Technicians 1816
Media / Art / Entertainment 1635
Secretarial / PA 3026
Domestic / Janitorial Services 233
Driving / Haulage 1893
Graduates / Freshers 3962
Software/ Programming / Web development 6031
Internship/ Industrial Training 3531
Maritime Services / Shipping 177
Supply Chain/ Store 3725
Abia 1085
Abuja 26323
Adamawa 797
Akwa ibom 1155
Anambra 2115
Bauchi 472
Bayelsa 469
Benue 522
Borno 2688
Cross River 1005
Delta 2079
Edo 2005
Ebonyi 362
Ekiti 484
Enugu 6515
Gombe 336
Imo 1512
Jigawa 271
Kaduna 1502
Kano 1859