Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

The Association of Choreographic Publishers Partnership (ACPP) is an association of Publishers, both electronic and traditional(paper), whose goal is to increase the case of finding useful and timely information on choreography for the average lay person as well as the professional. It also ensures a high standard of quality for all participating members’ publications. ACPP members must abide by the following Code of Practice: Update their resource lists regularly; Strive to be objective in all the information they present, and not exclude resource based solely on any singular grounds(e.g personal dislike of the topic or treatment method, monetary interest in certain resources, etc); Be responsive to their readers’ suggestions and feedback about their publications;  Distribute to their mailing list all resources gathered through feedback; Strive to maintain the highest standard of the respective profession in presentation and Representation of resources available on a given topic; Never charge a fee for viewing list; Never downplay the importance or usefulness of a lay person’s input on any given topic; Avoid public comparisons or publicising negative aspects of another member’s publication Refrain from making false advertising claims about their own publication or other members’ publications


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) ACPP members must be responsive to feedback regarding their publications
Very true – as seen in line 11

(False) The ACPP is taking steps to reduce false advertising by members
This is one of the step it is taking to ensure a high standard of quality for all participating member and not the only agenda of ACPP

(True) The ACPP members must not advertise falsely
Very true – as seen in the last line of the passage

(False) Public criticism of fellow ACPP members is allowed but not encouraged
The passage says otherwise. It says “Members should avoid public comparisons or publicising negative aspects of another member’s publication

Str e ss life events, whether the loss of loved one, divorce or job loss, as well as the daily wear and tear of living, such as traffic jams and family disagreements, set off the release of stress hormones that help our bodies charge up to meet the challenge. During episodes of acute stress, stress hormones provide a protective function by activating the body’s defences. However, when these same protective hormones are produced repeatedly or in excess, because of chronic stress, they create a gradual and steady cascade of harmful physiological changes. High stress can lead to suppression of the immune system which leaves the stressed person open to infection. High stress also result in bone loss, muscular weakness and increased insulin levels that causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body, especially
around the abdomen, so much so that people can end up predisposed to heart disease. Even the brain can be affected, as stress may accelerate changes in the brain that can Lead to memory loss. Off all the things that can be done to lower stress levels, exercise and prudent diet seem to be the most effective. Exercise breaks insulin resistance and often helps to end the vicious cycles of stress-eating, over indulging in alcohol, cigratte smoking and other unhealthy habits. However, exercise will not help everyone with stress, and other factors must be considered. Numerous studies show that the lower down you are on the socio-economic scale, the poorer your health. This is largely independent of access to health care. The stress of living in poverty, or working in a low level job that lacks autonomy, or residing in an unhealthy environment has an enormous impact on health status


Which two of these statements must be true?

(False) Eating reduces stress
Line 13 – 16 shows the things that help reduce stress, eating is not one of them

(False) Exercise always helps reduce stress-related problems
Even though exercise was earlier mentioned as one of the things that help reduce stress, another statement brought up in the passage tells us that exercise will not help everyone with stress – as seen in line 14 - 17

(True) Insulin levels can be increased by chronic stress
The passage states that exercise can help end the vicious cycles of stress-eating. So it therefore follows that without exercise, one might engage in continuous stress eating which increases the insulin level

(True) Exercise helps break harmful behaviour patterns
Very true – as seen in line 14 – 16 of the passage


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Divorce can be stressful
Line 1 of the passage mentions divorce as one of the “stress life events”

(Cannot say) Traffic jams are major sources of stress
Though traffic jam is a source of stress, the passage never tagged it as major sources of stress

(True) In the short term, stress hormones have a protective effect
The passage states in line 4 and 5 that “during episodes of acute stress, stress hormones provide a protective function by activating the body’s defences.

(Cannot say) Stress hormones indirectly cause traffic jams
The passage states that traffic jam is one of the stress life events, it never states that “stress hormones indirectly cause traffic jams”


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) Prolonged stress can cause stomach ulcers
This is not found in the passage even though it might be true that increased insulin levels causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body, especially around the abdomen,

(True) Prolonged stress can accelerate the cause of memory loss
The passage states in line 12 – 13 that “the brain can be affected, as stress may accelerate changes in the brain that can Lead to memory loss

(Cannot say) Stress will eventually cause a heart attack
The passage talks about stress causing heart disease, it never mentioned heart attack.

(True) Prolonged excessive stress can lead to damaging physical changes
Very true – as seen in line 9 – 11 that “High stress result in bone loss, muscular weakness and increased insulin levels that causes higher levels of fat deposits in the body


Which two of these statements must be true?

(False) Good health care always reduces stress
The passage states that “Numerous studies show that the lower down you are on the socio-economic scale, the poorer your health and that this is largely independent of access to health care”.

(Cannot say)Living a simple lifestyle is inherently stressful
The passage did not bring up this idea

(True) Generally, a poorer people are less healthy than richer people
Very true – as seen in line 17 – 19 of the passage

(True) Low status jobs can have a negative impact on health
The passage asserted that stress of living in poverty, or working in a low level job that lacks autonomy