Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

Al t hough sometimes used to described a style of cooking, the term molecular gastronomy was first used in 1988 to describe the scientific study of cooking. Pioneered by the Hungarian physicist Nicholas Kurti, a keen amateur cook, molecular gastronomy investigates the chemical and physical changes that occur during cooking. The discipline explores culinary transformations in three areas: social, artistic and technical. The field differs from food science in that it focuses on home and restaurant cooking, rather than industrial food preparation and processing. Although molecular gastronomy is sometimes disparaged as a pseudo-science, an understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results. For example knowing that protein and fat react differently with air can make the
difference between a light, airy soufflé and one that fails to rise. Similarly, evaporation can explain why the soufflé must be heated from the bottom. Not only have molecular gastronomist appropriated lab equipment for kitchen use, they have also experimented with the use of chemical reactions to produce certain flavours. Molecular gastronomist have also analysed the molecular components of foods, discovery that complimentary flavours often share an aroma molecule. This has inspired some surprising but tasty flavour combinations, such as coffee and garlic.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Baking a soufflé involves a variety of scientific processes
The passage states in line 10 -12 of the passage a variety of scientific processes to prepare soufflé

(Cannot say) A chef must have working knowledge of the chemistry and physics involved in cooking
Nothing was said about this in the passage

(True) Molecular gastronomy can refer to an academic discipline as well as a type of cuisine
Line 5 of the passage shows that it is a discipline. Cuisine means a style of cooking, because It shows different ways of preparing the Soufflé we can conclude that it is a type of cuisine

(Cannot say) If two flavours work well together they have an aroma molecule in common
This statement present a different idea from what the passage presents in its last sentence


Which two of these statements must be true?

(False) Molecular gastronomy uses chemical substitutes instead of fresh ingredients
It uses both chemical substitutes as seen in line 14 where it states that they make use of chemical reactions. They also use fresh ingredients as seen in line 10 where it mentions fat and protein

(True) Molecular analysis sometimes suggests unusual flavour pairings
Very true – as seen in last line of the last sentence in the passage

(False) Practitioners of molecular gastronomy work in lab rather than a kitchen
They did not leave the kitchen but they have appropriated lab equipment for kitchen use

(True) Home cooks can benefit from knowledge of the scientific principle behind cooking processes
Yes, because Molecular gastronomy uses the understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results and it is a discipline that takes into focus home and restaurant cooking


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) There are both personal and commercial applications to molecular gastronomy
The passage states that that it focuses on home(personal) and restaurant(commercial) cooking

(Cannot say) The term molecular gastronomy was coined by the Hungarian chef Nicholas Kurti
The passage tells us that he pioneered/started this ideology it does not specify if he actually gave the name “molecular gastronomy”

(True) Molecular gastronomy is the application of scientific principles to the understanding of food preparation
Line 9 of the passage which states that Molecular gastronomy is an understanding of scientific principles can certainly improve cooking results properly present this idea.

(False) Molecular gastronomy is just food science on a smaller scale
The passage states clearly that the field differs from food science


Which two of these statements must be true?

(False) Food science is a discipline that deals with home and restaurant cooking.
The passage states in line 7 that food science deals in industrial food preparation and processing

(Cannot say) An experiment style of cooking is sometimes referred to as molecular gastronomy
The passage does not state this as afact and it carries a different meaning from the idea presented in line 1 and 2 of the passage

(True) Molecular gastronomist sometimes chemically modify the taste of certain dishes
This idea is presented in the last line of the passage

(True) Molecular gastronomy takes a theoretical approach to cooking
Line 8 states that molecular gastronomy is sometimes disparaged(distinguished from) as a pseudo-science (Pseudo means false or not theoretical)

Widely considered the world’s most illustrious prizes, The Nobel Prizes are awarded Annually to recognize outstanding achievements in the fields of physics, chemistry, Physiology or medicine, literature and peace. First given in 1901, the prizes were established in the will of Alfred Nobel, a wealthy Swedish chemist who invented
dynamite. In 1969, a new prize in economic science was established by the Bank of Sweden. The Nobel Foundation manages the administration and finances of theNobel Prize, overseeing a fund valued at approximately $560 million. Since Norway’s Independence from Sweden in 1905, the prizes’ judging, carried out by committees of experts, has been shared between the two nations. The choice of Nobel laureates has often been contentious. The Nobel prize for Literature, in particular has been criticised for Eurocentric focus. The Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumously,
and thus some influential figures such as Mahatma Ghandi have never received the accolade. Because the science prizes typically commend discoveries that have stood the test of time, notable, notable scientist have failed to win because their death preceeded recognition of their works’s importance. Another rule, which limits all but the Peace Prize to a maximum of three people, is criticised for excluding some contributors when a team has made a discovery.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Alfred Nobel bequeathed his $560 million fortune to establish prizes honouring outstanding achievements
The passage says in line 3 and 4 that the prizes were established in the will of Alfred Nobel

(False) Unlike the other Nobel Prizes, the peace prize can be won by more than three people
The peace prize can only be won by a maximum of three persons

(True) The Nobel Prizes for scientific disciplines never honour recently completed work
The passage says “ the science prizes typically commend discoveries that have stood the test of time,

(Cannot say) The Nobel Prize is sometimes criticized for failing to recognize the best candidates
The passage never highlighted such criticism