Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

Biologics, which are medical products created from living organisms or their products, are at the cutting edge of biomedical research. While the term biologics includes a wide array of medical products such as vaccines and
antitoxins, it most often refers to medications made using biological processes. Unlike chemically produced drugs, biologics are produced using biotechnologies And consist of natural materials- such as proteins, cells, and tissues-deriving from humans, animals or microorganisms. Biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, in particular rheumatology and oncology, offering pioneering treatments for previously untreatable conditions. Some experts predicts that biologics will comprise half of the prescription drug market by 2020. However, the high cost of these medicines has raised pharmacoeconomic concerns- especially as many of these drugs are used to treat chronic conditions. Whereas conventional medicines have a maximum of five year’s exclusivity before cheaper versions come to market, no such regulation exist for biologics. The generics industry wants to introduce similar regulations for biologics, and Advocates believe the availability of biosimilars could result in savings of 30% for Healthcare providers. Biotechnology companies, however, are arguing for a minimum twelve-year period of exclusivity, to ensure a return on their investment and provide revenue for the development of new treatments


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) Because they come from natural sources, biologics are healthier than conventional  pharmaceuticals.
Nothing of this nature was said in the passage

(True) The length of proposed exclusivity period on biologics is a contentious issue
It is contentious because biologic producers need enough time of exclusivity to make profit even at the detriment of patient who may only be able to afford the cheaper biosimilars

(Cannot say) Critics oppose biologics on the grounds of cruelty to animals
Nothing of this sort was said in the passage

(True) The development of a new biologic requires a high level of investment
Yes, such drugs are expensive, so they must entail high investment


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Patients would benefit economically from the introduction of generic biologics
Yes, because they will be available at cheaper prices

(True) Twelve years represents the minimum amount of time needed for a biologic to break even
This is what the biotechnology companies envisage – Note: to break even means to make profit

(Cannot say) Biologics have had a profound effect on treatment available for certain disease
The passage never gave any information on this. What it says in line 8-9 is that it is offering pioneering treatments for previously UNTREATABLE conditions.

(Cannot say) Biologics represent less than half of the medications prescribed today
No direct statement


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Biologics have produced cures for previously untreatable conditions.
Very true – as seen in line 7 to 9 of the passage

(Cannot Say) Manufacturers of generic medicines want to introduce generic biosimilars
Nothing was said about the introduction of generic biosimilars in the passage, what was said was the interest to introduce biosimilar regulations

(False) Biotechnology companies are fighting to retain a monopoly on their biologics
No, they are rather asking for more time of exclusivity, to ensure a return on their Investment – last 2 lines in the passage

(True) The biotechnology industry is emphasising profit over patient well-being
Very true – as seen in the last 2 lines of the passage


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) It takes longer for a biotechnology company to recoup its investment than a conventional pharmaceutical company
This is not stated as a fact in the passage, it was just an argument raised by biotechnological companies – line 17 of the passage

(Cannot say) Biologics medicines are prescribed primarily in the fields of rheumatology and oncology
The passage states that biologics have revolutionized a number of medical disciplines, but mentioned rheumatology and oncology as examples. However, this option is talking about prescription which was not discussed in the passage.

(True) A biologic is not necessarily a vaccine or antitoxin
Biologics are medications produced from biological processes, so it entail more than vaccine and antitoxin

(True) Biologics are made using different technology than conventional medical products
Yes, the technology used in creating biologics is different from that of conventional
medical products – as seen in line 5

The United States’ space programme is at a critical juncture. Between 1971 and 2011, spending on space has declined from 5% of the federal budget to 0.5%. The US government recently announced it has cancelled its Constellation human spaceflight programme, which was intended to provide transportation to the International Space Station (ISS). Instead, NASA will shift its emphasis to developing new technologies and commercializing space flight. NASA will outsource its transportation to the ISS – a move designed to dramatically reduce launch costs. Five private
companies – nearly all of which are headed by internet entrepreneurs – are sharing $50 million of federal funds to develop cargo spacecraft. NASA’s new vision has not been met by enthusiasm from all quarters, with critics calling it the death knell of America’s former supremacy in space travel. Politicians whose states are losing out on jobs as a result of NASA’s cancelled programmes have been among the most vocal critics. With entrepreneurs racing to achieve human spaceflight, the next American to land on the moon could be a commercial passenger rather than a NASA astronaut.


Which two of these options must be true?

(Cannot say) The U.S government recently announced plans to reduce its space programme budget.
The second sentence states that spending has declined over the past 40 years, however It does not say if the government announced this.

(True) No more constellation human space flight by the government
Very true – as seen in the last 7 lines of the passage

(True) With NASA’s new project, commercial space travel could be a possibility
The passage states two things that enhance the possibility of this project – first, the outsourcing which is a move designed to drastically reduce launch cost and secondly, the interest shown by many entrepreneurs racing to achieve the human spaceflight

(False) NASA will be in charge of cargo spacecraft development
The passage tells us that the entrepreneurs will be the ones to develop the cargo space craft