Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

The most prevalent neurological condition in the developed world, migraine is characterised by severe, recurrent headaches, with additional symptoms including nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. The frequency and duration of migraine attacks are variable: attacks may occur a few times a year or several times per month, while pain may last between four hours and three days. Approximately one third of sufferers experience an aura – a perceptual disturbance occurring before the migraine’s onset. There are numerous theories on the cause of migraines.

The vascular theory posits that migraines are caused by problems with blood vessels in the brain. A more widely held view is that migraines result from low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Prophylactic drug treatment, which prevents the onset of migraines, has declined in recent years, because of side effects and also improvements in medications treating an actual attack. Whereas older varieties of pain medication are potentially addictive, newer drugs called triptans work by reducing pain information travelling to the brain. Treatment plans typically include avoidance of known migraine triggers, such as diet, alcohol, and stress, as overuse of medication can lead to chronic “rebound headaches.” Not only do migraines have a debilitating effect on sufferers, they are also bad for the  economy, with an estimated 25 million days lost from work every year in the UK


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) Migraine is the most prevalent disease in the developed world.
The passage stated that migraine is the most prevalent neurological condition in the world, nothing was said about it being the most prevalent disease

(True) Sufferers from migraine become more sensitive to light and sound.
Very true; as seen in line 3

(False) Triptans are a new form of prophylactic drug which are less addictive.
Triptans are not prophylactic drugs; they reduce pain rather than prevent headaches

(True) The frequencies of migraine attacks are not constant
The passage states “The frequency and duration of migraine attacks are variable


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot Say) Serotonin deficiency is the most commonly held theory of migraine causes.
It is a widely held vascular theory, but the passage does not compare it to every
theory. So we cannot say if it is the most held theory.

(False) Migraine triggers include only alcohol and stress.
It include not only alcohol and stress but also diet and over use of medications; as
seen in the last 4 and 5 lines

(True) Old varieties of pain reducing drugs may be difficult to stop.
Very true; as seen in the passage

(True) Headaches can reoccur and even increase from overuse of medication.
Very true; as seen in the last 3 lines


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot Say) One third of migraines are preceded by a heightened sensitivity to light.
The passage stated in line 3 that migraines are characterised with symptoms like
sensitivity to light and sound, nothing was stated about one third of migraines being
preceded by a heightened sensitivity to light.

(False) It is not possible to work when suffering from a migraine.
While the last sentence states that 25 million work days are lost due to migraines, it
does not say that it is impossible to work

(True) There are numerous theories on the cause of migraines.
Very true as seen in line 7

(True) Prophylactic drug has side effect

Over ten percent of the adult population suffers from a phobia-type of anxiety disorder characterised by an intense, irrational fear of an object or situation that interferes with the sufferers’ daily life. Although experts do not fully understand the cause of phobias, research indicates that heredity and triggering events are likely factors. There are a variety of treatments available for phobia sufferers. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a very popular, and effective method of desensitization. This approach treats the phobia’s anxiety symptoms as conditioned behaviours that can,

Through systematic exposure to the feared stimulus, be re-learned. CBT increases exposure to the feared object or situation very gradually, thereby modifying the patient’s response and developing tolerance. A less common treatment is flooding, which uses total immersion to the feared object in order to desensitize the patient. Medication is also
used to treat phobias. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) are antidepressants that can be prescribes to reduce panic and improve confidence, though they can have negative side effects including weight gain. While phobias are among the most easily treated mental health problems, less than 25% of surferers seek treatment. If untreated,
phobias can exacerbate and develop into other problems, such as depression and low self-esteem.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) Both CBT and flooding involve desensitizing the phobia sufferer
Very true, as seen in line 6 and 11

(Cannot say) Phobias are among the most common form of mental health problem
This statement was never discussed in the passage, rather what discussed, was how common it was to treat such mental condition; as seen in the last 4 lines

(False) In flooding, a person is gradually exposed to their source of fear
Flooding involves total immersion as seen line 11 of the passage

(True) A phobia can have a negative impact on sufferer’s daily life
Line 3 confirms this: Phobia interferes with the sufferers’ daily life


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) CBT views a phobia’s symptoms as the result of condition
Very true as seen in line 7 of the passage

(Cannot say) CBT is the most commonly used form of treatment for phobias
The passage says “very popular” and not “most popular” as seen in line 6

(True) A phobia is an extreme and unrealistic fear
Very true as seen in line 1 and 2

(False) Research has proven that phobias are inherited
From the passage, heredity was stated as a likely cause and not a proven cause as seen in line 4