Dragnet Verbal Reasoning Questions and Answers

Humans have hunted whales for thousands of years, but in the 18th and 19th centuries whaling became an important industry, due to high demand for whale oil. Even after industrialisation, whaling carried on at unsustainable levels and by the mid-twentieth century whale populations had severely declined. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was established in 1946 to ensure the conservation of whales and to oversee the development of the whaling industry. In 1986, the IWC imposed a moratorium on commercial whaling to prevent the extinction of endangered whale species. As a result of the ban, whale stocks have recovered and thus some countries advocate the lifting of restrictions. Using loopholes in the moratorium, Japan, Norway and Iceland currently engage in commercial whaling and vigorously defend the practice as part of their cultural heritage. Anti-whaling activists, however, oppose whaling on ethical grounds. They argue that whales remain vulnerable, and that whales’ intelligence gives them intrinsic value.
So intense is the whaling debate that the IWC, which requires a 75% vote to overturn the ban, has reached a stalemate. Even within nations backing a return to commercial whaling the issue is divisive. Not only has demand for whale meat declined, whale-watching has become a popular tourist activity, and an end to restrictions could threaten this profitable industry.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) The whaling ban has resulted in the recovery of all whaling populations
The second paragraph states that “as a result of the ban Whale stocks have recovered”, but later in the paragraph it states that anti-whaling activists argue that “whales remain vulnerable”

(True) There is no consensus even in nations backing a return to commercial whaling
The last paragraph states that “Even within nations backing a return to commercial whaling the issue is divisive”

(Cannot say) Japan, Norway and Iceland are under sanction for lifting the ban
Though these countries engage in commercial whaling against the imposed moratorium, There is no account of them being placed under sanction from the passage

(True) Anti-whaling activists believe that whales have intrinsic value
Very true – as seen in the last sentence of the second paragraph


Which two of these statements must be true?

(Cannot say) Japan, Norway and Iceland are the only nations in favour of repealing the ban
While the second paragraph states that these nations are currently engaging in whaling, it does not follow that these are the only nations seeking to repeal the ban

(Cannot say) Anti-whaling activists, however, oppose whaling on ethical and religious grounds
Line 12 of the passage states that “Anti-whaling activists, oppose whaling on ethical grounds. The passage does not tell us if it was also opposed on religious grounds

(True) Restrictions could disturb the profitability of whale watching
Very true – as seen in the last line of the passage

(True) IWC ensures conservation and oversee whaling industry development
Very true – as seen in line 5 of the first paragraph


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) The IWC regulate both commercial and environmental interests.
The last sentence of the first paragraph states that “(IWC) was established in 1946 to ensure the conservation of whales and to oversee the development of the whaling industry.

(Cannot say) Industrialisation led to reduced demand for whale oil
This is implied by the phrase “even after industrialisation” but is important not to let knowledge gained outside of the passage influence your answer. Nowhere does the passage specifically state that industrialisation reduced the demand of whale oil

(False) IWC was established in 1946 to ensure the conservation of whales
IWC was not only done to ensure the conservation of whales but also to oversee the development of the whaling industry.

(True) The ban placed in 1986 helped whale stocks to recover
Very true – as seen in line 7 of the passage

Open-source software should not be confused with freeware, or software that is available to install free of charge. While most open-source software is free, there are many other criteria – namely that the source code must be available to the general public via an open-source license, and that anyone is allowed to modify it. Any modifications made must also be distributed under the same terms as the original software. Proponents of the open-source movement believe this collaborative development methodology results in quicker improvements and software that can be easily adapted to users’ needs. Financial savings are another main benefit of opensource software. Because numerous programmers are able to identify and fix problems, advocates believe open-source software is more reliable than proprietary software. The majority of commercial software protects its source code to prevent competitors from developing a competing product. By only making a compiled, ready-to-run version available, software manufacturers retain full control over their product, which they argue ensures higher levels of quality and security. End-users must purchase a license fee, and typically benefit from a warranty and technical support. Although
open-source software does not charge license fees to fund its development, it does not follow that it cannot be commercially viable. Developers can charge for installation, training and technical support. Alternatively, licenses for add-ons and additional software may be sold.


Which two of these statements must be true?

(True) It is prohibited to modify free open-source software
While it is possible for anyone to modify open-source software, the first paragraph states: “any modification made must also be distributed under the same terms as the original software”

(Cannot say) Ready-to-run version prevents piracy
We were not told that specifically from the passage, though the second paragraph stated that “This ready-to-run versions help software manufacturers to retain full control over their product”

(False) All commercial software protects its source code
The passage states in the second paragraph that “The MAJORITY of commercial software protects its source code

(True) Numerous programmers are able to and fix open source software problems
Very true – as seen in line of the passage


W hich two of these statements must be true?

(True) Open-source software is more flexible
The first paragraph states that open-source software “can be easily adapted to users’ needs”

(False) Technical support is not available for open-source software.
The second paragraph states, “Developers can charge for installation, training and technical support”

(True) Developers can charge for installation
Very true, the passage states in the second paragraph that developers can charge for installation

(False) Training and Installation must be free
Developers can charge for installation and training