The process of decreasing the cross-section of a bar and increasing its length, is called
A. drawing down
B. upsetting
C. Spinning
D. peening
Answer A
A. is extensively used for making bolts and nuts
B. is used for reducing the diameter of round bars and tubes by rotating dies which open and close rapidly on the work
C. is used to improve fatigue resistance of the metal by setting up compressive stresses in its surface
D. consists of pressing the metal inside a chamber to force it out by high pressure through an orifice which is shaped to provide the desired form of the finished part
Answer D
The dowels are
A. wooden nails
B. box nails
C. wire nails
D. steel nails
When a pattern is made in three parts, the top part, is known as a
A. Drag
B. cheek
C. cope
D. mould
Answer C
The increase in hardness due to cold working, is called
A. age-hardening
B. work-hardening
C. induction hardening
D. flame hardening
Answer B