The type of file used for a wood work is
A. Single-cut file
B. Double cut file
C. Rasp cut file
D. None of the above
Answer C
The accuracy of micrometers, calipers, dial indicators can be checked by a
A. Feeler gauge
B. Slip guage
C. Ring gauge
D. Plug guage
A zinc diffusion process is called
A. Galvanising
B. Anodising
C. Parkerising
D. Sherardizing
Answer D
The function of an alternator in an automobile is to
A. supply electric power
B. convert mechanical energy into electrical energy
C. continually recharge the battery
D. partly convert engine power into electric power
The motion of the cam is transferred to the valves through
A. pistons
B. rocker arms
C. camshaft pulley
D. valve stems
Answer B