Rateau turbine is
A. simple reaction turbine
B. velocity compounded turbine
C. pressure compounded turbine
D. pressure-velocity compounded turbine
Answer C
When the cross-section of a nozzle increases continuously from entrance to exit, it is called a
A. divergent nozzle
B. convergent nozzle
C. convergent-divergent nozzle
D. none of these
Answer A
The impulse turbine rotor efficiency will have a maximum value of 0.5 cos2 α, where α is the nozzle exit flow angle, if the
A. blades are equiangular
B. blade velocity coefficient is unity
C. blades are equiangular and frictionless
D. blade solidity is 0.65
De-Laval turbine is a
A. simple impulse turbine
B. simple reaction turbine
C. impulse-reaction turbine
D. None of these
Answer D
The flow of steam is super-sonic
A. at the entrance to the nozzle
B. at the throat of the nozzle
C. in the convergent portion of the nozzle
D. in the divergent portion of the nozzle