Abstract Reasoning Questions and Answers


Which figure completes the statement?

Explanation : The figure is rotated through 90 degrees clockwise. Option C is correct


Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: The figure is rotated by 90 degrees anticlockwise and a black square is transformed
to white with each iteration. Option B is the next figure in the series. Note that option
A will not work because the black square is in the wrong position


Which figure completes the series?


The horizontal line which forms part of the centre cross alternates between short
and long. Option D is the only figure where it is short.


Which figure completes the series?


The black rectangle alternates between the top and bottom position and a white
square is added with each iteration. Option A is the next figure in the series.


Which figure completes the series?

Explanation: The line moves clockwise 135 degrees with each iteration, whilst the diamond
moves anticlockwise from corner to corner. Option C is the next figure in the series.