Abstract Reasoning Questions and Answers


Which figure completes the series?

Explanation:  The first figure is rotated through 90 degrees anticlockwise to produce the second
figure. The second figure is then reflected in the vertical plane to produce the third
figure. This sequence is repeated. Option B is correct as it is a reflection of the fourth
figure in the vertical plane.


Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation: Option D is the only figure which does not contain only two black shapes.


Which figure is the odd one out?

Explanation:Option C is the only figure which does not contain the sequence of the doublediamond,
concentric circles and line and the square plus diagonal line


Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: The four squares which make the top left corner block are identical to the four
squares which make the bottom right corner block. The four squares which make the
top right corner block are identical to the four squares which make the bottom left
corner block. Option C completes the grid.


Which figure completes the grid?

Explanation: The first and third columns are mirror images of each other, as are the second and
fourth columns. Option B completes the grid.