Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Choleric : Calm :: Fury : ?

Correct Answer: D


By Analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Calm is the Antonym of Choleric
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Glee is the Antonym for Fury.


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Vehemence : Force :: Abbreviate : ?

Correct Answer: D


From Analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Force is the synonym of Vehemence
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Compress is the synonym for Abbreviate.


Find the odd one out

Correct Answer: B


All except Again denote certain period of time.


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Cursory : Desultory :: Conversant : ?

Correct Answer: A


From Analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Desultory is the synonym of Cursory
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Acquainted is the synonym for Conversant.

Direction: Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by 2 arguments I and II.

Give answer
a)if only argument I is strong
b)if only argument II is strong
c)if either I or II is strong
d)if neither I or II are strong
e)if both I and II follow


 Statement: Kartik left for Delhi on Tuesday by train to attend a function to be held on Friday at his uncle's house in Delhi. 

I. Kartik may reach Delhi on Wednesday. 
II. Kartik may reach Delhi before Friday.

Correct Answer: B 


Clearly, it cannot be deduced as to which day Kartik would reach Delhi. But Kartik has left for Delhi to attend a function to be held on Friday. So, he must have planned his journey to reach Delhi before Friday. Thus, only II is implicit.