Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Bad : Evil :: Pillage : ?

Correct Answer: A


From Analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Evil is the synonym of Bad
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Plunder is the synonym for Pillage.

Direction: Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by 2 arguments I and II.

Give answer
a)if only argument I is strong
b)if only argument II is strong
c)if either I or II is strong
d)if neither I or II are strong
e)if both I and II follow


Statements: Wind is an inexhaustible source of energy and an aerogenerator can convert it into electricity. Though not much has been done in this field, the survey shows that there is vast potential for developing wind as alternative source of energy. 

I. Energy by wind is comparatively newly emerging field. 
II. The energy crisis can be dealt by exploring more in the field of aero-generation.

Correct Answer: E


The phrase 'not much has been done in this field' indicates that wind energy is a comparatively newly emerging field. So, I follows. The expression 'there is vast potential for developing wind as alternative source of energy' proves II to be true.


Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five 

Correct Answer: E


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Captious : Encouraging :: Exceptional : ?

Correct Answer: C


By Analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Encouraging is the Antonym of Captious
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Standard is the Antonym for Exceptional.


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Turkeys : gobble :: Frogs : ?

Correct Answer: B


By Analyzing the given analogy, we can infer that in the left side an animal and the sound it makes is given i.e. gobble is sound made by Turkeys 
By Applying the same logic to the right side we can conclude that croak is the sound made by Frogs.