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Logical Reasoning Questions And Answers


Find out the alternative which will replace the question mark.

Base : Aristocratic :: Exquisite : ?

Correct Answer: B


By Analyzing the left side, we can conclude that Aristocratic is the Antonym of Base
By using the same logic, we can conclude that Careless is the Antonym for Exquisite.


What is the two-digit number whose first digit is "a" and the second digit is "b"?. The number is greater than 9.
I. The number is multiple of 51.
II. The sum of the digits "a" and "b" is 6.

Correct Answer: A


From statement I:

A two digit number, greater than 9 and multiple of 51 should be 51 itself.

Because, 2 x 51 = 102 (3 digit number).

Therefore, I alone sufficient to answer.

From statement II:

A two digit number, greater than 9 and sum of the digit is 6.

It can be 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60.

So we cannot determine the required answer from the statement II alone.

Thus, I alone give the answer while II alone not sufficient to answer.

Direction: Each of the following question consists of a statement followed by 2 arguments I and II.

Give answer
a)if only argument I is strong
b)if only argument II is strong
c)if either I or II is strong
d)if neither I or II are strong
e)if both I and II follow


Statement: "According to me, you should get your child examined by a specialist doctor." - A tells B. 

I. Specialist doctors are able to diagnose better than ordinary doctors. 
II. B will certainly not agree with A's advice.

Correct Answer: A


The advice particularly mentions 'a specialist doctor' and not simply 'doctor'. So, I is implicit, B's response to A's advice cannot be deduced from the given statement. So, II is not implicit


Statement: Doordarshan is concerned about the quality of its programmes particularly in view of stiff competition it is facing from STAR and other satellite TV channels and is contemplating various measures to attract talent for its programmes. 

Courses of Action: 
I. In an effort to attract talent, the Doordarshan has decided to revise its fee structure for the artists. 
II. The fee structure should not be revised until other electronic media also revise it.

Correct Answer: A


Clearly, the decision to revise its fee structure for artists is taken by Doordarshan as a remedy to the challenging problem that had arisen before it. It cannot wait till other media take action. So, only course I follows.


P, Q, R, S, T, U, V and W are sitting round the circle and are facing the centre: P is second to the right of T who is the neighbour of R and V. S is not the neighbour of P. V is the neighbour of U. Q is not between S and W. W is not between U and S.

By counting clockwise, how many people are seated between P and V?

Correct Answer: B


By counting clockwise , no.of people between P and V is2