Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers

The table above shows the sales figures for 3 different types of switches over 3 months. Use this information to answer the following questions


If the unit price of the ZXC43 falls by 20% in April, but the number of units sold doubles, How much revenue will this generate?

Answer: B

Explanation: The unit price of the ZXC43 would fall to ($15 * 0.8 =) $12
Since 96 are sold the additional revenue would be $1152


An order for 9 ZXC43 switches and 8 ZXC53 switches could not be processed in time to be added to the March figures. How much revenue would this have added?

Answer: B

Explanation: The items on the unprocessed order would cost:
ZXC43 $15 per unit * 9 = $135
ZXC53 $13 per unit * 8 = $104
Therefore this order would have added $


What percentage of the total revenue was generated in February?

Answer: C

Explanation: Total revenues per month were:
Jan 1305
Feb 1465
Mar 1645
This gives a total sales value of $4415 of which $1465 was generated in February.
Therefore (1465/4415) * 100 = 33% of the revenue was generated in February.


What is the approximate ratio of unit sales of the ZXC53 and ZXC63 over the three month period?

Answer: A

Explanation: The total sales over the three months were as follows:
ZXC53 135
ZXC63 44

This approximates to a ratio of 3:1


What was the total revenue generated by sales of the ZXC63?

Answer: C

Explanation: What was the total revenue generated by sales of the ZXC63?