Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers

The table above shows the sales figures for 3 different types of switches over 3 months. Use this information to answer the following questions


How many ZXC43 units could be expected to sell in April?

Answer: E

Explanation: If the present trend continues then 56 (48 + 8) units of the ZXC43 should be sold
in April.


What is the unit cost of switch type ZXC53? 

Answer: B

Explanation: The unit cost of switch ZXC53 is 585/45 = $13

The table above shows the number of products sold by region and the price and margin on each product. Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this information to answer the following questions.


What was the total profit made on the MXP66 unit across all 3 regions?

Answer: C

Explanation: The sales of the MXP66 was as follows:
Eastern 10% of 1268 = 127 units
Western 24% of 2814 = 675 units
Central 16% of 2732 = 437 units
This gives a total sales value of 1239 units at $21.00 per unit = $26,019
The profit margin was 50%; therefore the total profit was $13,009


What was the total value of sales of the MXP21 unit across all 3 regions?

Answer : E

Explanation: The sales of the MXP21 was as follows:
Eastern 23% of 1268 = 292 units
Western 30% of 2814 = 844 units
Central 42% of 2732 = 1147 units
This gives a total sales value of 2283 units at $37.50 per unit = $85,612


How many more MXP45 units were sold in the Western Region compared to the Central region?

Answer: B

Explanation: (2814/100) * 16 = 450 MXP45 units were sold in the western region.
(2732/100) * 10 = 273 MXP45 units were sold in the central region.
Therefore (450 – 273 =) 177 more MXP45 units were sold in the western region.