Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers

The table above shows the number of students admitted to North West University over a three year period. The pie chart shows the relative percentages of foreign students admitted to the faculty of science in 2004. All percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Use this information to answer the following questions.


What percentage of students joined the arts faculty over the three year period?

Answer: D

Explanation: The total number of students joining the arts faculty was 212+208+187 = 607.
The total number of students joining the university was 3198+3235+3225 = 9658.
The percentage of students joining the arts faculty was (607/9658) * 100 = 6.3%


If 23% of the students joining the faculty of science in 2004 were foreign, how many Canadian students joined the faculty that year?

Answer: C

Explanation: The number of foreign students joining the faculty of science in 2004 was 23% of
220 = 51
Of this 51 students 22% were Canadian, therefore 11 Canadian students joined the
faculty that year.

The table above shows the sales of meat from Home Farm to the restaurants that it supplies directly. Use this information to answer the following questions.


What percentage of the total value of meat sold over the 5 month period was pork?

Answer: C

Explanation: The total weight of lamb sold over the period was:
260+320+300+300+340 = 1520 Kg
1520 Kg * $3.75 = $5,700
The total weight of beef sold over the period was:
400+330+330+340+270 = 1670 Kg
1670 Kg * $4.20 = $7,014
The total weight of pork sold over the period was:
300+370+360+290+340 = 1660 Kg
1660 Kg * $3.56 = $5,909
This gives a total sales value of $5,700+$7,014+$5.909 = $18,623.
Therefore the percentage of the total attributable to pork was:
(5,909/18,603) * 100 = 31.7%


What percentage of the total quantity of meat sold over the 5 month period was beef?

Answer: E

Explanation: The total weight of beef sold over the period was:
400+330+330+340+270 = 1670 Kg
The total weight of all meat sold over the period was:
960+1020+990+930+950 = 4850 Kg
This gives a percentage of (1670/4850) * 100 = 34.4%.


What was the total value of lamb sold over the 5 month period?

Answer: B

Explanation: The total weight of lamb sold over the period was:
260+320+300+300+340 = 1520 Kg
This was sold for an average of $3.75 per Kg.
Therefore 1520 * $3.75 = $5,700