Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers

The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North West University and the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use this information to answer the following questions.


If six percent of Science students are Asian. How many Asian students are there studying Science?

Answer: D

Explanation: You already know that there are 4560 students in total at the university. Since 21% of them are studying science there must be (4560/21) * 100 = 957 science students. If six percent of science students are Asian then (957/100) * 6 = 57 Asian science students.


How many students are there at the university?

Answer: B

Explanation: The answer is given in the working-out of the previous question. Make sure that whenever you calculate a figure from the data that you make a note of it. This can save you valuable time in later questions or of you lose track of your progress in during a question


How many students are there in the Engineering faculty?

Answer: B

Explanation: The text states that there are a total of 1049 students in the arts faculty. This represents 23% of the total number of students according to the pie-chart on the left. This means that there are 1049/23 * 100 = 4560 students in total at the university. Nine percent of students are in the Engineering faculty, and (4560/100) * 9 = 410


What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are non-US students?

Answer: D

Explanation: Read the text carefully and make sure that you are clear exactly what each of these pie-charts is showing you. For example, the chart on the right shows the number of Non-US arts students. It does not show the number of art students or the percentage of Non-US arts students – both of these would be easy mistakes to make if you just
scanned the text instead of reading it carefully. There are a total of 79+21+6+2+4 = 112 Non-US arts students. The text states that there are a total of 1049 students in the arts faculty.
Therefore (112/1049) * 100 = 10.67% of the students are Non-US students.

The table above shows the number of nanotechnology papers published by leading US universities over a six year period. Use this information to answer the following questions


Which university published the second highest number of papers over the period?

Answer: C