Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers


Identify the missing number.

7            8                          20           ?
5            6                           2            3


Answer: B

Explanation: The numbers in the boxes on the left add up to 26. The answer must be 1 to make the numbers in the boxes on the right add up to 26.


Identify the missing number.

22          22                         44           1
13           3                           6            ?


Answer: D

Explanation: The numbers in the boxes on the left add up to 60. The answer must be 9 to make the numbers in the boxes on the right add up to 60.


Identify the missing number.

4            8                           8           16
16          12                          ?           24


Answer: B

Explanation: Starting from the number  on the top left, move clockwise adding the number in the first position each time. The answer is 32 which is 24 + 8.


Identify the missing number within the series.
54, 40, 28, ?, 10, 4

Answer: C

Explanation: The difference between the numbers in this series decreases by 2 each time: -14, - 12, -10, -8, etc. The fourth number in the series is therefore 18.


Identify the missing number within the series.
?, 30, 35, 25, 30, 20

Answer: A

Explantion: The difference between the numbers in this series alternates between -5 and -10.
Therefore the first number in the series is 40.