Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers


Identify the missing number at the end of the series.
100, 96, 91, 85, ?

Answer: D

Explanation: The difference between the numbers in this series increases by 1 each time: -4, -5, - 6, etc. This will produce a difference of -7 between 85 and the next number in the series, which is therefore 78.


Identify the missing number at the end of the series.
11, 16, 26, 41, ?

Answer: C 

Explanation: The difference between the numbers in this series increases by 5 each time – 5, 10, 15, etc. This will produce a difference of 25 between 41 and the next number in the series, which is therefore 66.


Identify the missing number at the end of the series.
5, 12, 19, 26, ?

Answer: B

Explanation: The numbers in this series increase by 7 each time. Therefore the next number is 33.



Anna bought $4,000 of company stock. She sold 75% of it when the value doubled, and the remainder at four times the purchase price. What was her total profit?

Answer: C 

Explanation: Anna sold 75% of her stock when it was worth $8000. So she took $6000 cash, leaving her with $2000 worth of stock, which she had purchased for $1000. When this stock increased in value to $4000 she sold it and added this to the first $6000 giving her $10,000 in cash. Subtracting the initial $4000 coat of the stock, Anna has made $6,000.



A total of 1600 copies of a CD were sold. 30% were sold at 55% discount, 10% were sold at 30% discount and the remainder were sold at the full price of $7.95. What was the approximate total revenue in dollars?

Answer: D 

Explanation: Of the 1600 CDs sold:
60% or 960 were sold at $7.95 = $7632
10% or 160 were sold at $5.56 = $889
30% or 480 were sold at $3.57 = $1713
Therefore the total revenue was $10,234