Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers


In a survey, 243 people were asked if they preferred butter, margarine or new Tastee low fat spread. The ratio of people who preferred Tastee to margarine was 7:2. Two thirds of the whole sample preferred butter. How many people preferred Tastee?

Answer: D

Explanation: If two thirds of the sample of 243 preferred butter, then 81 (243/3) people preferred either margarine or Tastee. The Tastee and margarine are preferred in the ratio 7:2 and the total number preferring either is 81, then to work out the numbers of each add 7+2 = 9. Divide 81 by 9 = 9. You can then calculate that the number of people preferring Tastee will be (7 * 9 =) 63.


A total of 600 copies of a CD were sold. 55% were sold at 45% discount, 20% weresold at 25% discount and the remainder were sold at the full price of $9.95. What was the approximate total revenue in dollars?

Answer: E 

Explanation: Of the 600 CDs sold:
25% or 150 were sold at $9.95 = $1,492
20% or 120 were sold at $7.46 = $895
55% or 330 were sold at $5.47 = $1,805
Therefore the total revenue was $4,192


Anna and John both drive to their new home 600 miles away. Anna drives the family car at an average speed of 65 mph. John drives the removal truck at an average speed of 50 mph. During the trip, Anna stops for a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes, John stops for 90 minutes. What is the difference in minutes between their arrival times?

Answer: D

Explanation: If Anna covers 600 miles in at an average speed of 65 mph then she must have driven for a total of 554 minutes. If she stops for 2 hour and 20 minutes then her total journey time is 694 minutes. If John covers 600 miles in at an average speed of 50 mph then he must have driven for a total of 720 hours. If he stops for 90 minutes then his total journey time is 810 minutes. Therefore there is a 116 minute difference in their arrival times.


Tom, Dick and Harry own stock in their company in the ratio 4:5:6. If the total value of the stock is $45,000, What value of stock would Harry need to give Tom for all three to own the stock equally?

Answer: A

Explanation: The stock is owned in the ratio 4:5:6 and the total value is $45,000.
To work out the value of their holdings add 4+5+6 = 15.
Divide $45,000 by 15 = $3,000. You can then calculate that
Tom owns $12,000 (4 * $3,000)
Dick owns $15,000 (5 * $3,000)
Harry owns $18,000 (6 * $3,000)

Therefore Harry would need to give Tom $3,000 worth of stock for all three to own
$15,000 worth.


A bank offers 4% per annum interest which is calculated and added at the end of the year. Another bank offers 10% per annum which is also calculated and added every year. What is the difference in dollars on a deposit of $1000 after two years?

Answer: A

Explanation: At the bank paying 4%, the amount will be $1040 ($1000 * 1.04) at the end of the first year and $1081.60 ($1040 * 1.04) at the end of the second year. At the bank paying 10% the amount will be $1100 ($1000 * 1.10) at the end of the first year and $1210 ($1100 * 1.10) at the end of the second year. Therefore the difference will be $128.40.