Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers


Anna drives to her sisters at an average speed of 60 mph and then drives home again at an average speed of 30 mph, what is her average speed in mph for the whole trip?

Answer: B

Explanation: It is not 45 mph. Imagine that Anna’s sister lives 60 miles away. The outward journey will take 1 hour. The return journey will take 2 hours (60 miles at 30 mph). Anna has been travelling for 3 hours and has covered 120 miles. Her average speed is therefore (120/3 = 40 mph). Note that this is true however far she drives.


Identify the missing number.

3            2            6            2            7
4            9            1            1            ?


Answer: C

Explanation: The top row and the bottom row must add up to 20. Therefore the answer is 5.
Note that the presence of two adjacent 1’s in the bottom row beneath different numbers offers a strong hint that the relationship can not be between corresponding numbers in the top and bottom rows.


Identify the missing number.

14          28          74          98         154
7           14          37          49           ?


Answer: C

Explanation: The number in the top row is divided by 2 to give the number in the bottom row. Therefore the answer is 77.


Identify the missing number.

3            6                           4            7
6            6                           7            ?


Answer: B

Exolanation: The numbers in the bottom left and top right of each group of 4 are multiplied and the answer is written in the top left and bottom right side. One the left 6 * 6 = 36 and on the right 7 * 7 = 49. Therefore the answer is 9. Note that even though logically 7 could be an answer, it is not one of the answer options – so you need to think a bit more laterally.


Identify the missing number.

6           12                         14          20
1            7                           9            ?


Answer: E

Explanation: The numbers on the right are (n + 8) where n is the number in the corresponding position on the left. Therefore the answer must be (7 + 8) = 15.