Numerical Reasoning Questions and Answers


In the Shelbyville election, the Republican candidate received one and a half times as many votes as the Democrat candidate. The Democrat candidate received one third more votes than the Independent candidate. 900 votes were cast for the Independent candidate. How many votes were cast for the Republican candidate?

Answer: E

Explanation: If 900 votes were cast for the Independent candidate then the Democratic candidate must have received (900 + 300) 1200 votes. The Republican candidate must have received (1200 + 600) 1800 votes.


A train travelling at 60 mph enters a tunnel that is 5 miles long. The train is one mile long. How many minutes does it take for the whole train to pass through the tunnel?

Answer: E

Explanation: The train is travelling at a speed of one mile per minute, so the front of the train will exit the tunnel in 5 minutes. At this point there is still one mile of train in the tunnel since the train is one mile long. This will take a further one minute to clear the tunnel. Therefore the total time taken is six minutes.


It costs a manufacturer X dollars per component to make the first 1,000 components. All subsequent components cost X÷3 each. When X = $1.50 How much will it cost to manufacture 4,000 components?

Answer: B

Explanation: The first 1000 components are $1.50 each which gives $1,500. The 3000 subsequent components cost $0.50 each which gives $1,500. Therefore the run of 4000 components will cost $3,000.


Identify the missing number.

8            ?            6            9            7
5            7            3            6            4


Answer: D

Explanation: The numbers on the bottom row are three less than those on the top row. Therefore the missing number is     7 + 3 = 10


Identify the missing number.

5           20         100          3           24
20         80         400         12           ?


Answer: B

Explanation: The numbers on the bottom row are four times those on the top row. Therefore the missing number is 4 * 24 = 96.