Nigerian Air Force (NAF) Past Questions and Answers

The Nigerian Air force Examination consist of three basic parts which are
i. English language
ii. Mathematics
iii. General Knowledge

The questions are added randomly. Answer as many questions as possible


If the word PINT is written under the word SAFE, the word THUD is written under the word PINT and the word HOPE is written above the word SAFE, what word can be read diagonally?



Reorganise the following sentences into the order in which they were originally written- P: The other was left standing by alone until they were ready for him. Q: I saw a man strike one of them with a wooden axe. R: As I looked, I saw two fellows pulled from the boat: they were being brought to be killed.


Reorganise the following sentences into the order in which they were originally written- P: ICT is generally taken to mean technologies that support communication via computers. Q: Presently, the world is experiencing an ever-increasing use of information and communication technology (ICT) in many areas of human endeavour. R: Thus, the advent of ICT has brought about effective and efficient information generation, utilization and dissemination, as well as storage and retrieval. S: Such technologies include the Internet, local area networking, electronic mail, and the world-wide-web.



Reorganise the following sentences into the order in which they were originally written- X: They give special practice at improving your ability to calculate. Y: Where you see QR beside an exercise or a question, this stands for Quantitative Reasoning. Z: You should do and discuss these questions with your teacher and classmates.


If Friday is the fourth day of the month, what day is the 13th day of the month?