Nigerian Immigration Past Questions and Answers


What is the probability that three customers waiting in a bank will be served in the Sequence of their arrival at the bank?

The table gives the score of a group of students in an English language test.

Scores 2 3 4 5 6 7
No of students 2 4 7 2 3 2



If a student is chosen at random from the group, what is the probability that he scored at least 6 marks?

Answer: C

Use the following information for question 2 and 3

The surname of 40 children in a class were arranged in alphabetical order,16 of the surnames begin with O and 9 of the surnames begins with A. 14 letters of the alphabet do not appear as the first letter of a surname.


If more than one surname begins with a letter besides A and O, how many surnames begin with the letter? 


What is the probability that the surname of a child picked at random from the class begins with either O and A?

Answer: A


What is the probability of having an odd number in a single toss of a fair die?

Answer: A