Nigerian Navy DSSC Past Questions and Answers

Transformation is change usually into something with  an improved appearance or usefulness. Military transformation is a benign concept that paradoxically upskills the military to kill more efficiently and still present a human face. In spite of its moral contradictions, military transformation is one of the latest concepts to project the world's men of arms. Like many innovative ideas, the nucleus of global military transformation began in the US in the early 1990s with the call by the Secretary of Defence for "fundamental changes in the military to achieve significant qualitative improvements in operational capability." Military transformation was conceived as "bold new ways of conducting military operations to meet new security challenges of the 21" Century." It spread rapidly through the US defence establishment. From the rank and file to the top brass: from the military theorist to weapon designers and manufacturers and from defence technocrats to the political class.


From the passage, Military Transformation is

Correct Answer: B

Complete the sentence with the correct word/phrase from the options


I cannot ...................... .. his writing.

Correct Answer: E


The NN intends to ................... the wreckage with explosives

Correct Answer: B


He ............... the cards among the players.

Correct Answer: D


He was .................. in the prime of his life

Correct Answer: E