Choose the word from the options that completes the sentence and gives the correct meaning of the keyword
Palaeontology is the study of
(A) fossils
(B) palates
(C) plants
(D) plates
(C) sky
Correct Answer: A
Choose the correct spelling of the word that completes the sentence
....................... is a change of fortune typically for the worse
(A) vicissitude
(B) visisitude
(C) vicisitude
(D) viscisitude
(E) vicicitude
A......................... is a bunch of flowers
(A) banquet
(B) boukay
(C) booquet
(D) bouquet
(E) bouquete
Correct Answer: D
I only understood the play just before its revealing ............................
(A) denoument
(B) denewment
(C) denouement
(D) denuement
(E) denovrnment
Correct Answer: C
The scrawny boy was ....................... to the lady
(A) discorteous
(B) discourtous
(C) discortcous
(D) discoutesous
(E) discourteous
Correct Answer: E