In the Questions below, choose the word whose meaning is given in the expression
A form of radiation that occurs beyond the violet end of the visible light spectrum
(A) violet
(B) gamma
(C) x-ray
(D) ultra-violet
(E) infra-red
Correct Answer: D
The expression in italics is the meaning of an English idiom. Select the idiom from Options A- E in Questions below.
Quick to understand.
(A) Quick to read
(B) Quick to quip
(C) Quick on the intake
(D) Quick taking
(E) Quick on the uptake
Correct Answer: E
Someone who helps people when they are in·need
(A) A Samaritan
(B) A Samarian
(C) A Good Samaritan
(D) A Good Samarian
(E) A Generous Samarita
Correct Answer: C
Weak or inefficient person
(A) A figure of eight
(B) A sitting duck
(C) A dry dock
(D) A moving shadow
(E) A lame duck
Correct Answer: B
To take extreme risks.
(A) Testing life
(B) Risk life and limbs
(C) Live life like a party
(D) Live and let live
(E) Live the life of Riley