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Red is a color which has powerful effects on human beings as well as animals. A group of psychologists carried out an experiment which confirms the subconscious effects of this color on human behavior. They provided selected sports teams at school and college level with either red or blue shorts and recorded the outcome of the games. The teams wearing red won in a disproportionate number of matches. The psychologists suggested that either the teams wearing red subconsciously felt themselves more powerful, or that the non-red teams were subconsciously intimidated by the red color.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the psychologists’ suggestion?
Correct Answer: B
The conclusion concerns the supposed powerful effects of red color. However, if the observed results are due to the power of blue, the conclusion is not valid! The experimental design is flawed in that only two colors are used and the so-called positive effect of red cannot be distinguished from a possible negative effect of blue.