KPMG Past Questions And Answers


Most scientists agree that new lines of interdisciplinary research are the need of the hour. Even government committees on science have stressed the need for more interdisciplinary projects. Yet, of ten proposals for new interdisciplinary projects last year, only one was successfully funded. Some have suggested that this means that as yet researchers are not coming up with sufficiently persuasive projects, or that their proposals are not of high enough quality, or even that the reputations of these researchers is not high enough. However, the real reason probably lies in the way funding is organized. .Funding is still allocated according to the old categories and there are no funds specifically for research that overlaps different subject areas
The two parts in bold-face are related to each other in which of the following ways?

Correct Answer: C

The first statement is a factual statement and could be called a fact, finding, or situation, but not a position (which implies a view or conclusion). So we can eliminate answer D. The author’s main conclusion is given in the sentence before the last one. And the last sentence (in bold) is a fact that supports this conclusion. Now only answer C acceptably explains the role of the last sentence.


A fruit known as amla in certain parts of Asia is an excellent source of vitamin C. A small quantity of the fruit grated and added to salads provides almost all the daily requirement of this vitamin. However, the fruit is very sour. A new process designed to remove most of the sour taste will make the fruit acceptable to American tastes. We are therefore starting to grow this fruit for sale in the United States.
The argument above assumes all of the following except

Correct Answer: D

There is a ‘missing link’ between saying that the fruit is sour and saying that removing the sourness will make the fruit acceptable to American tastes. The missing link is an ‘assumption’ in this case. Obviously the missing statement should be that Americans don’t like sour foods. So now we have found one assumption but this is an ‘except question’ and so we need to find three more! Since we are relying on the fruit for vitamin C it should be obvious that the author thinks the new process will not take away most of the vitamin. The author also thinks a market exists or they would not be starting to grow the fruit. He or she mentions salads as a way to use the fruit but there is nothing to suggest that there are no other ways to use the fruit and so D is not assumed and is the correct answer. He or she also assumes that there is nothing else wrong with the fruit.
(Note: most students go wrong on ‘except’ questions!)


After thousands of miles of use, the tread on many bike tires wears down. One common theory about why tires wear down contends that the perpetual friction and heat generated by the contact between the tire and pavement erode the material on the surface of the tire. However, a local scientist who is also an avid cyclist proposed a new theory for why bike tires wear down. This scientist contended that chemicals from the road's composition and chemicals from rain residue wore down the surface of the tire.
Which of the following would best evaluate the veracity of the scientist's proposed theory?

Correct Answer: B
There are two different proposed causes of tire decay on bikes: (1) "contact between the tire and pavement" (2) "chemicals from the road's composition and chemicals from rain residue" In order to ascertain which theory is correct, we must separate the two proposed causes. This can be done by applying chemicals from rain water and pavement (theory 2) onto a bike's idle tires. It is important that the bike is idle as this rule
out theory 1.
A. This method does not isolate the new and proposed theory for why bike tires wear down as the testing method exposes the tires to both potential causes (i.e.: (1) tire and pavement contact (2) chemicals from the road's composition and rain residue).
B. This method isolates the two competing sources of explanations for the tires' erosion. If the tires erode under this scenario, we know that it was not riding on the pavement that caused the erosion but rather it was the exposure to chemicals.

C. This method does not account for both the potential influence of chemicals from the road's composition and chemicals from rain residue on the surface of the bike tire. Simply because the manufacturer used or did not use chemicals from the road's composition within the bike's frame does not enable us to conclude that the same chemicals will or will not have a corrosive effect if applied to the bike's tires. In other words, testing effects on the bike's frame is entirely unrelated to testing effects on the bike's tires as these two components (i.e., frame and tire) are made of entirely different materials.
D. This method does not account for the potential influence of chemicals from the road's composition and chemicals from rain residue on the surface of the bike tire. Simply because the manufacturer used or did not use rust-resistant components for the bike's frame does not enable us to conclude what effect water may have on the bike's tires. In other words, testing effects on the bike's frame is entirely unrelated to testing effects on the bike's tires as these two components are made of entirely different materials.
E. Without any useful frame of reference (such as the number of miles a tire can be used on a dry road or the number of miles a tire can be used in a grass field without the chemicals of a typical road), it is impossible to make any logical conclusion about whether friction or chemicals are causing the decay of the tire.


In Los Angeles, a political candidate who buys saturation radio advertising will get maximum name recognition.
The statement above logically conveys which of the following?

Correct answer is D

An L.A. political candidate who buys saturation radio advertising will get maximum name recognition. In other words, such advertising is sufficient for maximum name recognition. If so, then it must be true that, as (D) says, a candidate can get such recognition without spending on other forms of media


Recent studies have highlighted the harmful effects of additives in food (colors, preservatives, flavor enhancers etc.). There are no synthetic substances in the foods we produce at Munchon Foods – we use only natural ingredients. Hence you can be sure you are safeguarding your family’s health when you buy our products.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the contention of Munchon Foods?

The Best option is B

Munchon’s contention is that buying their products safeguards health. To weaken that argument we can show that, for some reason, their foods might not be healthy. Munchon claims that the products are healthy because they contain only ‘natural ingredients’. But bacteria and molds are ‘natural’ as are certain poisons derived from plants! Hence the word ‘natural’ is no guarantee of healthful properties