KPMG Past Questions And Answers

Some or all parts of the sentence is underlined, the first option simply repeat the underlined part. The other four option alternate to rephrase the underlined part. Choose the answer that produce clear and exact sentence


Exercise offers both physical and emotional benefits: a sense of control over one’s body, a feeling of accomplishment and it is a release of pent-up frustrations.

Error in parallelism. Choice A and B violate parallel structure. Choice C and E
change the meaning of the original sentence
Answer: D


Originally referring to an excess of patriotic fervor, the term ?chauvinism” has come to signify devotion to the theory masculine superiority.

Choice C and D create run-on sentences. Choice B changes the meaning of the sentence. Choice E makes an unwarranted shift to the passive voice, resulting in a vague and awkward sentence.
Answer: A


When one debates the merits of the proposed reduction in our tax base, you should take into consideration the effect it will have on the school and the other public services

Shift of personal pronoun. In Choices A and B there is an unwarranted shift from the third person pronoun one to the second person pronoun you. Choice C and D improperly use affect instead of effect.
Answer: E


By the time we arrive in Italy, we have traveled through four countries.

Error in sequence to tense. This sentence illustrates the use of the future prefect tense. The present perfect tense, as used in Choice A, and the past perfect tense, as used in Choice B, are incorrect. Choice C correctly indicates that an anticipated event will be completed before a definite time in the future. Choice D is weak because of the used of passive voice and the consequent vagueness as who is performing the action. Choice E is awkward because of the needless separation of subject (we) from verb (shall have traveled).
Answer: C


City officials have called on parents and guardians of students with asthma to provide schools with plans for emergency care should their children be stricken during school hours.

The Sentence is correct.
Answer: A