KPMG Past Questions And Answers

In each questions, the capitalized word have certain relationship to each other. Select the letter or the part of word that are related in the same way as the two capitalized



Chronological means in order of time, as ordinal means in order in place.
Virtual means essential, implicit, practical, or almost; not in order of truth (A).
Abnormal means not normal and not in order of value (B). Marginal means
minimal or peripheral, not in order of knowledge (C). Coincidental means by
chance/occurring together, not in order of health (E).
Answer: D



A fugitive flees; a braggart boasts/brags. A parasite does not foster (A) or
promote anything, but lives off another. A sage is one who is wise, not one who
stifles (C), i.e. suppresses, anything. A bystander does not procure (D) or obtain
anything, but stands by and may observe an event. A firebrand incites others to
action but does not quibble (E), i.e. dispute, anything.
Answer: B



One who is clumsy may botch a job; one who is lazy may shirk work. One who is
wicked may or may not necessarily insinuate (A); a better adjective for
insinuating something might be sly or subtle. One who is strict does not pamper
(B), but the opposite. One who is willful does not heed (C) warnings/ directions.
Clever, i.e. ingenious or smart, is unrelated to eradicate (D), to eliminate.
Answer: E




Liquid Cause’s maceration as weather causes erosion: both break things down.
Gas does not cause sublimation (A) but is subject to it, as humidity is subject to
evaporation (B). Trail and path (C) are synonyms. Distraction interferes with a
decision (E), rather than causing it.
Answer: D



Lumens measure brightness and inches measure length. Candles do not measure light (A) but emit it. Density does not measure darkness (B) but may create it. Nickel does not measure metal (C) but is a type of metal. Color does not measure hue (E); these are synonyms.
Answer: D