So far, Judy has earned 320 points. She can survive a low grade on test 5 if she get the maximum possible on both the sixth and seventh tests. Assume she get two 100’s. Then her total for tests 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will be 520. For her seventest average to be 85, she needs a total of 7 × 85 = 595 points. Therefore she needs at least 595 – 520 = 75 points. The correct answer is C.
Assume Judy’s first four tests were all 80’s. Then her total deviation below 85 would be 4 × 5 = 20. Her maximum possible deviation above 85 (assuming 100’s on tests 6 and 7) is 15 + 15 = 30. On test 5 she can deviate at most 10 more points below 85: 85 – 10 = 75.