PWC Past Questions And Answers

Study the table and answer the questions below it.


If the sales projections for next year prove accurate, which region will have maintained or increased sales levels each year from the previous year to next year?


Correct answer: A

Only the Northern region has maintained sales at 310  or the previous and current year, as well
as projecting an increase in sales to 320 for next year.

Study the chart and answer the questions below it.


A marketing drive in 2009 is to be used to increase the level of Jan-June house sales to the level
of July-December house sales. If the ratio of marketing spend to additional sales is 1:3, then what
level of marketing spend is required?


Correct answer: E

Difference in the level of Jan-June house sales to the level of July-December house sales = £43.5 
The marketing spend needed = 43.5/3
= £14.5 million


In 2010, the absolute difference in Alpine house sales between 2009’s July-Dec and Jan-June
periods is expected to increase by a fifth. What is the projected difference in Apline house sales 
between July-Dec and Jan-June for 2010 (in £million)?


Correct answer: B

The value of Apline sales between Jan and June = 367m The value of Apline sales between July and 
Dec = 410.5m difference = 43.5m
Add the increase of a fifth
= (1 + 1/5) x 43.5m
= 52.2 million


What is the total value of 2009 Apline house sales?


Correct answer: B

We calculate the total house sales for each half-year period, as follows;
Price of £200,000 Jan to June 2009 = 310, July to Dec 2009 = 340 , Total Sales = £130m Price of 
£300,000 Jan to June 2009 = 460 July to Dec 2009 = 490, Total Sales = £285m Price of £400,000 Jan 
to June 2009 = 230 July to Dec 2009 = 270, Total Sales = £200m Price of £500,000 Jan to June 2009 = 
150 July to Dec 2009 =175, Total Sales = £162.5m
Sum up the Total Sales = £777.5 million


Stamp duty of 3% is paid on house sales over £250,000. How much stamp duty is paid by purchasers of Apline houses in 2009?

Correct answer: C

calculate the total number of houses where stamp duty is due
£300,000 houses: 460 + 490 = 950
£400,000 houses: 230 + 270 = 500
£500,000 houses: 150 + 175 = 325
Then calculating the stamp duty due 950 x £300,000 x 3% = £8,550,000
500 x £400,000 x 3% = £6,000,000
325 x £500,000 x 3% = £4,875,000
Total = £19,425,000