PWC Past Questions And Answers

Study the chart and answer the questions below it.


If the total number of units produced was 800,000 and the Printing department spent $90,000 on
Lease Purchase agreements, what was the approximate ratio of units produced to total machinery
spend for the Printing department?


Correct answer: C

Total units produced = 800,000
Amount spent on lease purchase agreement = 90,000
% spent on loan purchase for printing dept = 45 % Let amount spent on printing be x
0.45x = 90000
X= 200,000
Requi ed ratio is 800,000 : 200,000
= 4 : 1


If the total amount spent by Production was $575,000, how much did they spend on Lease
Purchase schemes?


Correct answer: B

Amount spent on production = 575,000 Percentage of lease purchase = 30% Hence amount spent on lease 
purchase= (35/100 x 575,000)
= 172,500

Study the table and answer the questions below it.


The total amount donated by all member countries of the OECD Development Assistance
Committee was $US 79,191 million. If a pie chart is drawn for all countries, what would be the 
angle (to the nearest degree) representing the donation of the United Kingdom?


Correct answer: C

Amount donated by UK = 6671m (6     m/79,191m) x 360o


Which of these six countries donated the most per capital?


Correct answer: C

The correct answer is Norway 2042/4.6
= 443.


In millions of US$, what was the average (mean) amount donated by the six largest donors of the
OECD Development Assistance Committee?


Correct answer: B

Amount donated = 35,630 Average = 35,630/6
= 5,938.3