PWC Past Questions And Answers

Study the chart and answer the questions below it.


The average distance flown per passenger departing within Europe 5 years ago was 1,000km.
Today this figure has decreased by 20%. By how many percent has the total distance travelled by 
flights depart in Europe changed today?

Correct answer: E

Total distance flown by all passengers within Europe 5 years ago = 0.3 x 1000 = 300 Total distance 
flown today = 0.9 x 0.8 = 720
% increase = (720 -300/300) x 100
= 140% increas

Study the graph and answer the questions below it.


If the percentage increase in production of vehicles by Ford between 2007 and 2008 were
repeated annually how many years would it be before Ford produced at least 5,800,000 vehicles in 
the UK?


Correct answer: B

% increase of vehicles produced by ford btw 2007 and 2008
= (35,000 -30,000)/30,000 x 100 = 16.7 %
If this is repeated annually, then a year later , we have (1 + 0.167)(35,000) = 40,950
2 yrs later = 47,911.5
3 years later = 56,056.5
4 years later = 65,586.1 Ans is 4 years


If all four car manufacturers consistently annually accounted for 23% of annual vehicle
production in the UK, how many vehicles in total were produced in the UK in 2006 to the nearest 
’000 (thousand)?


Correct answer: A

Cars produced in 2006 by the four companies is 77,500
Let the total number of cars produced in the whole of UK in 2006 be k 23/100 x k = 77,500
K = 336,956
337,000 = to the nearest thousand


If For  production decreased by 20% in 2009 how many vehicles would be produced in that


Correct answer: A

2008 ford production = 35,000
20% decrease = (1-0.02) x 35,000
= 28,00


What was the percentage decrease in production of vehicles by Nissan from 2004 - 2008?


Correct answer: C

Vehicles produced in 2008 = 20,000
In 2004 = 30,000
(30,000 -20,000)/30,000 x 100
= 33.3%