Number puzzles


Answer:  11


In each triangular group of circles, start with the longest row and add together 3 adjacent values and put this sum in the circle directly above or below the centre of the 3 values. Continue this sequence towards the apex of each triangle.


Answer: 0


Working from left to right and reading each pair of numbers as a 2 digit value, these values represent the sequence of multiples of 7, starting at 49 and finishing on 70.


Answer:  1


Using the numbers in the segments of the lower two circles, the numbers in the upper left circle equal the sum of the numbers in corresponding segments of the lower 2 circles, the numbers in the upper central circle equal the difference between numbers in corresponding segments of the lower 2 circles, and the numbers in the upper right circle equal the product of the numbers in corresponding segments of the lower 2 circles.


Answer: 3


In each row of the diagram, add the left and right hand digits together and add 2 to give the result in the centre.


Answer: 16


Starting with the top left number, and working down one row at a time, alternating between left and right, double the number each time. Repeat this sequence, starting with the top right number.