PTDF Oversea Scholarship Past Questions & Answers


Two ships are 1,550 miles apart sailing towards each other. One sails at the rate of 85 miles per day and the other at 65 miles per day. How far apart will they be at the end of nine days?

Answer B


What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

Answer C


At the recent Cinfores Mixed National Hurdle trials, ten contestants competed for the coveted BB Shield. There were numerous judges who made sure that the results were accurate, from their notes can you determine who finished last? Ivor Bignose finished before May Eye and Mick Stup whilst Leigh Vamessage was victorious over May Eye and Laura
DeLand. Jack Pott was beaten by Jerry Atric, Mick Stup and Al Beback. Laura DeLand was beaten by Mick Stup, May Eye and Ivor Bignose, whereas Joe King beat Jerry Atric and Jack Pott but lost to Laura DeLand and Inga Hootz. Leigh Vamessage was beaten by Ivor Bignose and Inga Hootz. Inga Hootz was beaten by Al Beback, who, in turn, lost to Ivor Bignose, but beat Jerry Atric and Jack Pott. May Eye finished ahead of Mick Stup and Jerry Atric who lost to Leigh Vamessage and Inga Hootz.

The correct answer is option [A] Their positions from first to last is as follows:Ivor Bignose, Al Beback, Inga Hootz,
Leigh Vamessage, May Eye, Mick Stup, Laura DeLand, Joe King, Jerry Atric, Jack Pott


How many birthdays does the average man have?

The correct answer is option [A] Man has only one birthday but celebrates it yearly.


A country is said to have an unfavourable balance of trade when her ----------------

Answer C