PTDF Oversea Scholarship Past Questions & Answers


The fastest female athlete in Africa in the Nineties is ----------------

Answer B


All men are vertebrates. Some mammals are vertebrates. Which of the following conclusions drawn from the above statement is correct?

Answer C


A portion of $7200 is invested at a 4% annual return, while the remainder is invested at a 5% annual return. If the annual income from both portions is the same, what is the total income from the two investments?

Answer B


Determine the number that should come next in the following series: 3 8 14 21 29 38 ?

The correct answer is option D : The differences between the numbers increases by 1, starting with 5 (3 to 8), so the
answer is 48 because the difference has to be 10 between 38
Quantitative Reasoning


During the recent Buckles cipher convention, a binary
code contest took place. The contest consisted of a
binary code transmission where the spaces between the letters were missing and there was no punctuation. Each letter of the alphabet was translated into its binary equivalent based on its position in the alphabet,
a=1, b=10, c=11, d=100, e=101, f=110, g=111, h=1000, i=1001, j=1010, k=1011, l=1100, m=1101, n=1110, o=1111, p=10000, q=10001, r=10010, s=10011, t=10100, u=10101, v=10110, w=10111, x=11000, y=11001, z=11010. Which country does the
code 101111110010110011 represent?

Answer E