Workforce Abstract Reasoning Past Questions and Answers

In each question below you will be presented with a logical sequence of five figures. You will need to determine which of the possible answers best matches the next figure in the sequence, or replaces the missing figure in the sequence


The correct answer is D.
Rule 1: The shapes move one corner anticlockwise each time.
Rule 2: The shapes alternate between circle and square.
Rule 3: The hatching changes between hatched and unhatched every other graphic in the sequence. I.e. off, off, on, on, off, off ... and so on.
Rule 4: The shapes grow small, medium, then large, then start again.


The correct answer is A.
Rule 1: The position of the shapes in the current item is determined by the direction the triangle is pointing in the previous item. There is no rule to determine the direction of the arrow in the current item, only its position.
Rule 2: The shape inside the triangle changes in the repeating sequence circle, square, star.
Rule 3: The shading in the shapes alternates between the shape in the middle and the triangle.
Rule 4: The shapes grow small, medium, large then back to small, medium etc.


The correct answer is C.
Rule 1: The number of stars in the top right predicts how many horizontal lines will be in the next box.
Rule 2: The circles alternate with triangles.
Rule 3: The number of circles or triangles is the sum of the number of circles and triangles in the previous two boxes, with the black shading obscuring some shapes.
Note: even though the black shading is obscuring some of the 13 triangles, it is possible to see that C is the correct answer by process of elimination; i.e. a particular rule excludes all of the other possible answers.


The correct answer is A
First Rule: The scales are tipped fully to the left, then straight, then tipped fully to the right, then straight. This sequence then repeats.
Second Rule: Squares weigh more than triangles and circles, which weigh the same as each other.
Third Rule: The support for the scales alternates between having downward cross-hatching and having upwards cross-hatching.
Fourth Rule: The cross hatching of any triangles being „weighed? is the opposite of that of the support.


The correct answer is C
First Rule: The downward sloping cross-hatching follows the sequence top left circle, bottom right circle, bottom left circle, top right circle. This sequence then repeats.
Second Rule: The upward sloping cross-hatching follows the sequence top right circle, bottom left circle, bottom right circle. This sequence then repeats.
Third Rule: The arrow points to where the small circle will be in the next figure.
Fourth Rule: The square is in the position occupied by the small circle in the previous figure.