Company Profiles on Jobgurus
Nova Track
Nova Track is a leading supplier of vehicle tracking services in Nigeria. Having combined this experience with the industry's most compact and reliable GPS tracking device, we ensure our customers have…
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) is driven by the vision of a world without malnutrition. GAIN is a Swiss-based foundation that mobilizes public-private partnerships and provides financial…
Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition Limited (SCANL)
Sahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition Limited (SCANL) is a leading management consulting firm focused on the agricultural and nutrition sectors in Africa. We partner with government agencies, private…
KDR Investments Limited
KDR Investments Limited is an indigenous Nigerian Company and is managed by a team of Nigerian experts, executes work by a qualified and well trained labor force is particularly committed to focusing…
Great Esteem Secondary schools
A government approved Secondary School in Lagos that aims for excellence at all times. We are an award winning school with a track record of excellence over the years evident in the wards we produce.…
Ebenet Technologies Solution
Ebenet Technologies Solution is a digital marketing agency that provides services such as: web design and development, mobile app, e-commerce, content marketing, website hosting, domain registration,…
KWOD TV is a 24-hour online television news and production channel owned by KWOD Technological Services Ltd., based in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, incorporated in Nigeria as Limited Liability Company…
The organization is into sales of cars,spare parts and general contracts.
Univate Nigeria
Univate Nigeria was established as a partnership between Univate Global and Overseas Study Concept (UK) Limited to bring expert training and support to Nigeria, enabling Nigerian Businesses to comply…
Nigerian Prisons Service
Nigerian Prisons Service (NPS) recruitment 2018 ( The Civil Defence, Fire, Immigration and Prisons Services Board (CDFIPB) is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates…
Bluescripts IT Academy Limited
Bluescripts IT Academy Limited is a pioneering leader in professional IT training, Networking & Security solution. We are Educational consult in Ibadan involved in training students in professional IT…
Ecommerce / Retail / Wholesales is the quickest and best customer service oriented e-commerce firm in NIGERIA that helps you to convert your Bitcoin, Gift cards (itunes,Amazon) to Naira at very competitive exchange rate…
Golden Services (Nig.) Ltd
Golden Services (Nig.) Ltd. is an indigenous company incorporated in Nigeria since 21st February, 1989. The company has specialization in Building and Civil Engineering, Marine and Cargo Inspection Services,…