Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic

Healthcare / Nutrition

Effective Physiotherapy & Fitness Clinic
Effective Physiotherapy and Fitness Clinic has had years of experience in the efficient management of physical health conditions of her numerous clients. Through our peculiar packages including Body Servicing Therapy; Fitness Trainings; Physiotherapeutic Interventions; Excellent Elders' Care, Stress Management among others, health issues such as Body pains and stiffness in joints, Paralyses, Stroke, Arthritis, Spinal Cord injuries, etc easily get resolved.
This is done through a blend of techniques and technology in a conducive and friendly atmosphere
Our vast knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry patterns of the human body coupled with various experiences gathered over the years continually take our professionals to a better pedestal.
We welcome young professionals who would like to build a career in this line.

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