Tangerine Life Insurance

Banking / Financial Services

Tangerine is a composite insurance company that underwrite both life and general businesses both in the country and out side thecountry, also Tangerine is a three company that emerges as one, ARM, AXAD Mansad Insurance and UBA Metro Politan, this three companies emerges as one Named Tangerine Insurance Group, With over 55billion worth of assets and capital base to transact insurance businesses in the country and outside the country.

Tangerine also have the best formula of claim payment processing, fast and reliable, as long as the claimer informations are acurate,tangerine also have the best forms of Investment, Endownment and protection policies that will help an individual to invest and have good returns on investment and also provide an real estate for their loved ones,if their is uncertainties of life,Tangerine also have a good formular of pension, with reliable pension fund administrators, Tangerine pension,that provides you a beautiful retirement benefits at your retirement,so choose Tangerine today for your Invetment, endownment,savings, pension and wealth creation.

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