Total Protection Solution Limited


Total Protection Solution Limited
TPS is a product of a painstaking effort at finding an enduring solution to the problem of managing security in the private sector in Nigeria. It is our determination to create and improve career growth and professionalism among security practitioners starting from entry level to the highest level in the industry. We shall accomplish this through provision of certified training that are accredited by both local and international standard compliance agencies. The intention is to use the training as industry accepted standard in employment and career promotion. TPS is the first and only company to be accredited by Awarding Body for Compliance (HABC) based in UK and prestigious to offer international vocational training in security practice . We are also a registered member of OGTAN (Oil & Gas Training Association of Nigeria).
Our SMART STAFFING is a concept created to assist corporate organizations reduce their security budget for manned guarding by minimum of 20% through injection of specially trained and multi tasking personnel with background in the military and the police into the pool and cutting down on the numbers of guards who do nothing other than performing basic functions that are far less required during steep economic situation.

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