Database Application Developer jobs at CRIPSS in Lagos

 Database Application Developer jobs at CRIPSS in Lagos

Job Title: Database Application Developer


The Centre for Research on Information, Process and Software System (CRIPSS) is opened to serve as a technology backbone for companies and the governments.
We conduct extensive research in the areas of database technology; Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems; bioinformatics, automation, algorithm, process optimisation and control, Biomedical Engineering; virtual machining; signal, image and multimedia processing; communications; nanotechnology; human - computer interaction; computational intelligence; distributed systems; integrated systems design and many more. 

CRIPSS is recruiting to fill the post of:

Job Description: Must be knowledgeable in Data structures and Algorithm; Database design; Transaction management; Distributed databases; Data Warehousing; Data mining; Information retrieval and XML; Spatial Data Management; Querying the Internet, Bioinformatics, Digital Libraries, Business Intelligence; Data Cleaning; Managing Semantically Heterogeneous Data; Privacy Preserving Data Mining; Social Networks, OLAP; Logic Programming and Deductive Databases; Management of Uncertainty and Incompleteness in Database and Knowledge base Systems; Information Integration and Data Exchange; Semantic Web, Description Logics, Ontology Management, Social Media, and Recommender Systems; and Text Databases. 

Jobs include heading the Database Research group and conducting lectures in the following areas: 

  • Data structures and Algorithm
  • Automated Systems
  • Database Projects and Research
  • Database systems
  • Real time and Distributed Systems


How to Apply
Interested candidates should send your CV and supporting document to:

Application Deadline 28th June, 2013