Auto Bucks Lenders Limited

Banking / Financial Services

Auto Bucks Lenders Limited is a fully owned subsidiary of the Alert Group (Alert). We are a financial investments impact and ESG-focused company. Our core competence is MSME lending to unlock real capital for investment. Auto Bucks has a partnership with Alert Microfinance Bank as its subsidiary (‘’Bank’’). The bank is a company licensed by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) in 2013 to carry out micro-lending business for individuals and entrepreneurs and deposit-taking from the public.

We resolved to become a group to unlock capital for deserving entrepreneurs and challenge the status quo of accessing funds and the difficulty experienced in doing business in Nigeria, and the complex procedure such as collaterals and lengthy approval periods involved in getting loans from banks. Auto Bucks Lenders Limited is a technology-driven financial institution focusing on MSME. We are the financial supermarket you can bank on.

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