RAY Oil and Gas

Oil & Gas / Mining

RAY Oil and Gas has been delivering sustainable growth in the last ten years while building a solid business foundation amidst a challenging operating environment. Our mission is to extend this trajectory into the future and turn RAY Oil and gas into a leading company in the Oil Service industry, both domestically and internationally.

We continue to face new challenges in our business environment, the pace and scale of changes are unprecedented. In order to overcome these challenges, we have undergone an organizational transformation that includes initiatives such as enhancing local capabilities and technology. These improvements have enabled us to identify and address rapid shifts in the Oil and Gas landscape. But there is more to be done, and we remain fully committed to strengthening our capabilities with focus on HSE and service Quality as key drivers for our success and business continuity. We foster an environment of employee recognition, respect, personnel development and camaraderie while striving to achieve a healthy work-life balance. This is our Company culture, a culture we shall pass on to the next generation of leaders.

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