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Virtual Business Developer Recruitment at BettaHealth

BettaHealth is a humanitarian initiative started by Lifestake Foundation. The foundation is a not-for-profit organization, which was founded to raise funds to cover the hospital bills of stranded low-income patients across various, public and general hospitals in Lagos State. Within a period of six months, Life stake was able to fundraise and pay off hospital bills of 29 patients which also includes 6 of which were in emergency situations. Being able to achieve the above motivated the organization to explore more sustainable ways to provide healthcare to more people across the country. Which led to the founding of BettaHealth.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Position: Virtual Business Developer

Job Location: Lagos

Job Description

  • Looking to hire an individual who would work as a Virtual Business Development; This individual would not resume to the office, but would go to meetings from their home.
  • Certain targets would be given as well as benefits for meeting those targets.


  • Candidates should possess a Bachelor's Degree, HND qualification with at least 1 year of work experience.