capitalplan microfinance co-operative society LTD

Banking / Financial Services

Capital plan microfinance co-operative society Ltd, is a pro-poor financial institution committed to the social and economic empowerment of her members through provision of access to responsive financial services on a sustainable basis.
The Institution was established in 2012 and is dully registered under Cooperative Regulations and Cooperative societies Decree 1999 with a particular focus on SME and micro finance.

It is managed by a team of professionals and has distinguished and eminent personalities on its Board. Together, they have led the Capital plan to the prominent position that it occupies in the marketplace today within a short period of time. Since inception, Capital Plan Microfinance co-operative society Ltd has tirelessly set the pace for other Microfinance finance cooperative institutions to follow by distinguished service quality, product functionality and exceptional customer service. The cooperative is strategically positioned to offer financial services support to small and micro-enterprises and her members in Nigeria.